And Summer is a wrap…

James and Nichole keep warm between the shots

The Rieker Ford Access Point

So after recasting, accidents that lead to more recasting,  logistical nightmares that still have me waking up in cold sweats, 10 shooting days, and lots and lots of extras, the summer cast is all done.  And after all of that, it was completely worth every bit of the hassles and headaches.  I’m so very proud of what we managed to get done, and I couldn’t possibly be more impressed with the cast that made it all “real”.  The crew is exhausted, but ready to move on.

James and Nichole did their final scenes on Saturday.  It was a long shooting day, but the end results are so good, I can’t wait to see reactions. I love watching these two work, for different reasons.  Nichole takes an analytical approach to her character.  She’s really thought out Madison.  I’m sure if I asked she could tell me what Madison’s favorite color and food is.  It’s a joy to see the depth and nuance she brings to the character.  James on the other hand is spontaneous.  He is Gary, or Gary is him.  I haven’t decided yet.  He puts it all out there, and every take is something a little different.  It’s very organic, and it’s very genuine, and every scene with these two, they own.

Benton and Colby did their final scene on Sunday.  We had to wait for sundown to start, and it was start and stop for the duration of the shoot, but we knew that was going to be the case, and while we wound up cutting a shot, we got everything done, and I am chomping at the bit to get to edit it all together.  Colby is just fun to watch, and I know Benton was waiting for this scene.   It took a little bit to get the lead in shot just the way I wanted it, but no matter.  I think it helped get them into character.  But once we got to the meat of the scene, it was on… a fucked up, gory glorious mess.  We had to pack up and move out pretty quick, so I don’t feel like I got to say proper goodbye’s to everybody.

And even though Melanie was done shooting, she showed up to lend a hand.  So thanks for the extra set of hands Mel.  Much appreciated.

I can’t say thank you enough to the cast, who braved the water and the cold in September, October and November to make it look like summer time.

Now that it’s all over, we gear up for segment three, Fall.  A whole new cast, and a whole new location.  Indoors.  With heat.  And electricity.  And Plumbing.  And no one has to stand in 40 degree water.  I almost forgot what those things were like.  We’re past the halfway point, and there is light at the end of the tunnel.


5 thoughts on “And Summer is a wrap…

  1. That blanket smelled like cat pee, but I was glad to have it. Sitting in a metal canoe in 40 degree water chills you from both ends. I already miss filming. Hey, maybe I should find another film project that allows me to be the cheerful, upbeat optimist like my character Gary. He’s a nice guy…

    1. that was the amonia from the latex it was packed with. Sorry James…
      I”m still laughing over “Mazel tov! It’s a Boy!”

      1. Hey that blankey was packed with Vanilla Lavender fabric sheets AND amonia.

        It’s all about the love Gary
        It’s all about the love LOL

  2. James, I think a cheerful musical is actually right up your alley.
    Yeah, my hair smelled like campfire and cat pee after shooting that night. The true sign of a successful night of shooting!

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