And as I am still editing away this weeks blog post was written by Tina, or just plain old T. T-money. T-dawg. T-rannosaurus Wrecks. T-Bag. Hey-T. I think you get the gist…. I know what you’re thinking… you have time to make these stupid pictures, but not enough time to write a blog. Well, the answer is… YES. That’s exactly right.
Anyways we interrupt this infomercial as T writes:
Breaking news from the KCUF News Team…
We are down to the last scene to be shot and winter editing is pretty well complete!
It has been a very eventful year + of filming and the project is almost complete…bitter sweet isn’t it?
Q & A
Q: What will I do with my weekends now?
- Not inhale toxic smoke.
- Not shovel unknown materials out of a barn.
- Not stand in 35 degree water.
- Not spend 10 hours waste deep maneuvering canoes.
- Not deal with Sullivan Missouri’s finest. (You know who you are)
- Not drive up to Hannibal while there is a blizzard.
- Not clean up a half blown away home that smelled of mold.
Q: What was your favorite filming day?
A: It is truly hard to pick one…there are so many talented people on this film, and there were so many fun days! One that stands out to me thought was the evening at the barn, in the middle of the night when the bats were dive bombing Joe…we had to stop filming because somebody in the general vicinity was having a karaoke party…noise travels in the middle of nowhere you know? There was a lot of laughing that night.
Q: What was your least favorite filming day?
A: Hands down…diving into the water that was 35 degrees in November. I use to love being in the water, swimming, boating, canoeing…now I am scarred for life. Just kidding I still love all these things…when it is 80 + degrees.
On behalf of the whole crew…it has been a pleasure working with all of you! You all are very talented, fun to work with and we hope you all have successful careers!
Tony May’s again. If you act now I will throw in this Teaser Trailer absolutely FREEEEEEE. So act now!
Ha Tony !! Tina is a hardcore chick and she is awesome…btw Tony your so sexy!..