Exciting stuff.
I’m happy to introduce our first poster for The Year After Infection.
There are 5 posters planned.
Here is the finished artwork for Spring:

Greco’s Editing Nightmares won’t be seen this week. After a month solid of editing, getting everything to it’s nearly finished form. The last bits are just about finished, and instead of my bleary-eyed, computer glazed over eyes telling you exactly how tedious and time consuming the whole editing process is, we bring you the last of the crew blogs, from our resident ray of sunshine Kelly.
She’s fun, funny, a great talent behind a camera, and willing to do whatever to get a shot. Exactly the kind of person you want to work with. Our long time readers will remember that we lost Kelly after beginning to shoot Summer due to a new job. But due to a wonderful series of circumstances (not really) , a sizable ransom, a team of crack mercenaries were hired, sent into an area department store, I am pleased to report that Kelly was returned to us unharmed.
Kelly writes:
Sooooo, as you heard we are done with shooting and it feels very bittersweet. (yeah, clichéd I know however, my word document thesaurus isn’t giving me anything better) Anyway, I will miss filming A lot, yet I can’t wait to finally see the film all together and also see how every one of our fabulous fans react to the finished product, yay! As some of you may know I was a camera person on The Year after Infection and was lucky enough to be a part of almost every aspect of the film.
The only time I was not there was when I accepted a job for about 3 months at a department store selling kids shoes which was definitely an adventure in itself. I must say, there is nothing like tying a child’s shoes then looking up in their bright face just long enough to catch a juicy droplet of saliva landing right between the eyes. Oh and I couldn’t possibly forget seeing the crazed look in the parent’s eye when you tell them you don’t have the shoe they want for their “little darlings”. Let’s just say, even though I wasn’t working on a horror film at that time I was definitely still getting the whole creepy vibe. Some of the things you witness in retail have the potential to haunt you the rest of your life. Retail Hell, it’s no joke.
So I’ve never filmed a movie before, or acted, or really anything regarding a talent. Don’t feel bad most of it was due to me just not trying. I do like drawing, however most of that was killed by an art teacher in the third grade who held up my project to the class asking “who does this….thing belong to?”
At least you could tell what I was drawing unlike Joe what’s his name in the corner who ate his boogers and thought Elmer’s glue made a delicious midafternoon snack. (Admit it there’s always one, unless you’re it, then you can keep it to yourself) Anyway, let’s just say I hadn’t really found my niche until I started helping out with the film. What an amazing experience, I would say you should try making one sometime but seeing our director and producers put in that immense amount of hard work, and believe me I know what hard work looks like. I’ve spent many years avoiding it, I figure it’s really not for everyone.
On the second day of filming I was asked to work the second camera. At first I thought they were joking, thus after the fifth time of hearing “no really” I decided to accept the offer before they changed their minds. My first mission: walk across a dark field backwards while keeping one of the three actors in frame, sounds easy enough. Now before I continue I must say that this field was not that large yet took all of two nights to shoot. So, there I was slowly walking across the field, and thinking to myself my feet are soaked from the dew, I’m tired, I’m still a little shaky from the shock I received earlier from trying to plug stuff in on the dewy ground, and I’m having the absolute best time EVER! Mike said it best when he said “The absolute worst day of filming is better than the greatest day at our regular jobs.”
The very last day of filming just passed us and I must say what a great note to end on. I also got the great pleasure of two of my marvelous parents, Bill and Laurie, being there and one (my dad) actually got to be a reporter! I’m not just saying this because he’s my dad, but he did absolutely incredible. I guess after so many years of thinking your parents are lame the phase ends and luckily in my case it was replaced by this truly talented individual who can act, and write/play his own music. (You’ll hear some of it in the film!) Anyway, I just had to give a shout out to my dad! So proud of you!
So, that’s pretty much it for me, I hope you all enjoy the movie!!
As I finish up editing duties, this week blog is so big it has to be introduced by Three Hosts
It’s time to hand the blog over to our resident tamed sound man.
Some say that in the front of his pants is another microphone.
and that he whistles while he works, but only dogs can hear it.
All’s we know is, he’s called “The Mike”
This week comes to you from a DQ in Hillsboro. Sponsored by the letter B, and the number 437. I’m not sure what it is but I cannot write at home. My mind is a jumbled mess. Put me in a fast food restaurant with a cheeseburger , fries and a coke and I’m good for at least a good hour or more of solid writing. It does sound like a lot of time but I can crank out a good chunk of material. So in addition to the next screen play we will be filming, I’m taking over for Tony on this weeks blog. We took last weekend off for the holiday. Even if we wanted to shoot last weekend, It’s impossible to get things together on a holiday weekend. And we have tried before… FAIL. And we have tried again… FAIL
So this weekend I’m to film the last two shots for the opening scene. Finally when someone asks me “Hey, are you done filming yet?”, I can say “Fuck Yeah!” Don’t get me wrong, I love filming. I wish I could have done this years ago, but I’ve moved back to St. Louis almost two years ago. Just months before we started production and haven’t seen most of my friends in months. I couldn’t tell you the last time I was out at a bar or club or concert or anything like that. To say I was in a drought would be kind.
Back to this weekend! We have enlisted the help of family again. Lisa is to fill the role of a reporter. She checks all the boxes: Professional. Check. Pretty. Check. Has wardrobe. Check. We’re glad she is one of our biggest fans. When you talk to her about the film, she lights up like a girl who just got a pony for her birthday. It’s nice to have someone outside of the crew and cast to be as genuinely excited as you are.
Any way, if all goes well, Tony can say”Cut” for The Year After Infection.
But wait! It’s not over yet. Haven’t you learned yet, not to leave during the credits. You could miss something.
Alright, so I’m late on the blog, and I’m busy, busy, busy editing, but fortunately, Nichole wrote the most amazing blog post… fun, funny and spoiler free….so give her a read, and I’ll be posting this weeks blog soon(ish). So enjoy one of the movie’s stars take on the final day of filming: