The Joy of Editing will not be seen this week…
Okay, so I’m completely swamped with editing duties right now, so in true TYAI style, I’ve enlisted some of the behind the scenes folks to write a bit, so you can get their take on their experiences with the film making process.
This week’s entry is Karen
Ok, bear with me. Because now I am sitting in that same damn kitchen and I have never done this before.
It has been a very long journey from when we started until now and we are almost there. I never thought we would see the finish line that is just right around the corner and I am not sure how any of us are supposed to feel. Relief, that we actually did it! A little sadness that it’s almost over & very grateful for the amazing people we have met on the way.
We have traveled from one end of Missouri to the other. Spent almost a month cleaning and setting up a hundred year old barn, that a wonderful woman & her husband in Washington let us use. Burned hay that glowed greenish yellow in 100 degree weather, when it rained we thought we were in heaven it would stop and we thought we would die.
Spent nights playing with the bugs, bats and one very ornery gopher, and with all of that the cast & crew were a blast, even on some of the hardest nights until the wee hours in the morning the just kept going with the best of attitudes. They are a joy to work with!
Moving on to the next location that I think had to be one of the hardest to work with outside, very large cast, crew & extras. Weather challenges, scheduling, constant change in location, hours of driving and countless visits from the surrounding population (some very nice & some that stopped us filming all together.) Countless encounters with officers of the law that thankfully turned out to be very cool and fun to talk to.
We know your jobs are not easy and running into us had to be strange to say the least. So thank you, gentlemen & ladies for your understanding, help, & some very good advice!
Props to the cast, extras & crew that would not give in. Even after the encounters with strangers toting guns, being sprayed with rocks the never ending interruptions from weather, planes, cars, boats, some very interested drunks, and live bands that you could hear for miles.
Then off to Hannibal! To an old 3 story building with the promise of heat LOL that happened to be on every floor but the one we were on Ha. I would love to give the owners name and plug his business but can’t without his permission. He not only let us invade his place of business but let us rearrange his entire top floor. We would show up unexpected stay all day and he was nothing but helpful.
He even found a location that was so much better than the one we had chosen, introduced us to his friend that had never met us before, who invited into his home and his sons stayed and helped us out THANK YOU!
Hannibal was a very cool city. The surrounding business owners would come out to watch and not once caused a problem we would yell action and everyone went silent I even turned to see a woman and her 4 children getting ready to cross the street and she pulled them back had them be very quiet until the director yelled cut and she went on her way like this happened every day. Hannibal was like the twilight zone and I can’t say enough kind things about the people there.
Our very ornery cast never faltered. Always on time happy to be there, came up with some very good ideas and made everything seem so easy.
Our next location was mostly outside in the snow yes very cold again. One of our longest drives in Vandalia and a very wonderful family and I do mean the entire family!
Our smallest cast. An amazing little boy with a hell of a lot of talent! & a very quiet, kind man with a beautiful voice and talented! He made every thing look so easy and natural you sometimes forgot what you were doing and just stood and watched them in some cases you actually felt like you were intruding thank you guys so much!
Great job on the blog post Karen!! I love coming out here and reading these entries!! Hope all is going well.
Tony..that pic is hilarious!…missing some “happy little trees” though.Our younger cast and readers i’m sure have no idea who that is..but us old folks who saw the birth of cable tv sure got a kick out of it!
Great job, Karen, on the blog. Thanks for the kind words. Cannot WAIT to see you ALL again. Keep up the great work….I see the home stretch!
Great job Karen!!! It was a hell of a lot of fun and one hell of a time and I will Miss It *one small tear
Tony the hair looked great on you i want a fro too please….:-)